Love Burns RED
In honor of Valentines Day, we thought it the perfect occasion for a post about the thing most dear to our hearts; Our RED Scarlet-W.

We acquired this beauty in April of 2017, which amounted to signing away each of our first born children, but we can say with confidence that it was well worth the sacrifice. The Scarlet is a full-fledged Super 35 cinema camera, shooting in glorious 16-bit Redcode RAW, 5K resolution at 60fps, 4K at 120fps, and even as high as 300fps at 2K – which affords us really kick-ass slow motion. And with enough dynamic range to best the ARRI Alexa, you get a sense of how serious this machine is. Alright, you get it – we’ll stop now.
RED cameras as a whole have a bit of an urban legend surrounding them. Everyone knows what a RED is, and they know how serious of a camera it is, and whenever someone sees one they sort of gawk at it like its the Ark of The Covenant and say: