Video Production & Social Distancing
MARCH 21, 2020
Hello ChromoFriends™, welcome to Spring. We’ve been quiet for a little while now, hunkered down editing our short film, and wondering just what the hell we’re going to do in this new social distancing reality we find ourselves in.
As a business and brand built on collaboration with other amazing artists and companies alike, what do you do when you can no longer get everyone together on set? As a film and video production company, it’s pretty impossible to produce videos and content for clients, or really anyone, when you can’t physically get together and do the work necessary. Creative development and post production can be done remotely; on the phone, over email, and at your desk, as it’s normally done, but having people operate cameras and having people on camera suddenly seems very irresponsible.

There have been widespread cancellations not only in the production industry, but the artist community as a whole and, well, everywhere. The new reality is mass layoffs, and a complete shuttering of the economy. As a small business, running payroll successfully is suddenly an almost impossible feat.
It’s clear now that the normal function of life and commerce has been upended for the foreseeable future, no matter what industry or way of life that you belong to. And if the problem is that we can’t do things in the established method of doing them, then the solution is to adapt.

So, if you can manage to exist in the meantime, what can be done with all this extra time on your hands? Get creative. In our case, we’ll be creating content for our portfolio, tending to some much needed spring cleaning, and preparing our business for when things hopefully go back to some sort of normal.
We’ll all get through this. We’ll all be together again soon. And we‘ll all be better for it. Stay healthy, stay safe. We love you all.